Housing And Separation Before Divorce: What To Know


Make no mistake about it, having a place to live is a primary human need — right up there with water and food. When a couple divorces, the question of who can reside in the family home naturally arises. To answer that question and other, read below for an exploration of some common legal issues surrounding the family home and separation before the divorce. Can One Party Kick the Other Party Out of the Home?

6 October 2020

What Is Your Burn Injury Worth?


Burns can be deadly and physically devastating. Do you think you might have a strong personal injury case after being burned? Read on to learn more about the value of your case. What Is the Value of Your Burn Lawsuit? Every burn injury is different, and your burn may come with disabilities, disfigurements, and other traumatic things that can lead to physical, emotional, and mental detriments. This can include PTSD and depression.

27 April 2020